Top best books for RRB JE - JUNIOR ENGINEER 2019

RRB has recently announced 13,487 Vacancies for JUNIOR ENGINEER in various streams like Mechanical, Electrical,Electronics,Civil,Computer Science etc... Most of the people are worried about the preparation strategy and books to be followed for perfect preparation. Here are some of the books which are most suitable for the aspirants as per our suggestions. If you know any other books which are best apart from these, please comment below so that we can update in this blog.
Stage I CBT Books:
1) Quantitative aptitude by RS AGARWAL is the standard book for preparing all competitive exams. This book is enough for any kind of exams especially for RRB exams.
2) General Awareness : Follow regular THE HINDU PAPER updates and also you can follow some important current affairs app in your android mobile like Bankers Adda, Grades Up, GK Today etc.. This is hardly enough for you to crack current affairs. One of the most important thing is please keep stock GK in mind and make a notes. Stock GK includes National parks,steel plants, power plants, dams,Sports,Ministers,Capitals,other countries currencies etc...
3) General Science: Luicent GK & Luicent General science books
Stage II CBT Books:
- UPKAR'S Objective Electrical engineering-By P.K. Mishra (Contains some basic theory and chapter-wise MCQs with answer (no solution).
- UPKAR'S Objective Mechanical engineering-By P.K. Mishra (Contains some basic theory and chapter-wise MCQs with answer (no solution).
- UPKAR'S Objective Electronic engineering-By P.K. Mishra (Contains some basic theory and chapter-wise MCQs with answer (no solution). Also Basic electronics hand book by ARIHANTH PUBLICATIONS is also one of the best book to refer basic concepts in finger tips.
- RRB: Junior Engineer (P.Way Bridge Works Civil Mechanical etc.) Centralized Recruitment Exam Guide- By R. Gupta, RPH (Ramesh publishing house). This book contains MCQs (with answer) for all the topics included in the technical and non-technical part. Solution is provided for very few important questions. It has one previous year solved question paper.
If you know any books apart from the books discussed above, please suggest us in the comment box so that we can update in our blog.
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